
Wales News Online

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A draft plan bringing together tourism sectors across the county of Pembrokeshire aims to support the multi-million pound industry over the next five years.

An alternative service delivery model for tourism involving Destination Pembrokeshire partners (Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, PLANED and Pembrokeshire Tourism) has been in development.

The destination management includes ensuring the quality of the environment and infrastructure, as well as investment in marketing, and other factors involved in £575million a year tourism industry in Pembrokeshire.

Cllr Paul Miller, the cabinet member responsible, told members of policy and pre-decision last week that the model was sustainable and recognised the need to support the industry differently.

Cllr Miller said the new group would be a “dynamic organisation” supported by the council but led by the trade to drive tourism to the area.

Cllr Mike Evans questioned why Pembrokeshire Coast National Park had not been considered as the lead authority with Cllr Miller saying there had been “some nervousness” about its ability to extend beyond the park.

Cllr Evans also said it was key to get “big players” such as Bluestone involved as well s ensuring that the county was looked after for residents.

The favoured option was to merge current council and Pembrokeshire Tourism, with support from the National Park, into one organisation with a director/chief executive to provide development capacity.

The council’s tourism department budget of £175,000 will be transferred to the group for its work, along with contributions from the other bodies involved.

This would create a budget pressure as £40,000 of required savings would not be made.
The committee supported the draft Destination Management Plan 2020-25 and the further development of options to introduce an alternative service model for tourism.

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