
Wales News Online

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Dispersal orders to be used at Swansea beach front

FOLLOWING reports of anti-social behaviour and concerns for the safety of young people at Swansea Beach front and dunes areas, Swansea Neighbourhood Policing Team will be using of section 35 dispersal orders to help deal with the issues.

These orders under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 aims to ensure the safety of the public, and reduce the risk of any anti-social behaviour or disorder within this area.

The order gives a Police Constable in uniform the power to exclude a person from an area for a period of up to 48 hours by the issuing of a written notice.

The power is preventative, allowing an officer to deal quickly with someone’s behaviour before it escalates. It is in addition to the current Covid-19 legislation and includes a Superintendent’s Authority for young people over the age of 10 to be issued notices.

Anyone enjoying the beach and not causing issues and adhering to the current Covid-19 legislation can continue to do so, the S35 order is for those not only causing concerns for residents but also putting themselves at risk.

Local Policing Inspector Jonathan Fairhurst said: “We know the last couple of months have been tough, but we’d ask you to consider the impact anti-social behaviour may have on other people.

“We have had numerous complaints during the last couple of weeks of anti-social behaviour in this area many of which have involved large groups of youths congregating.

“We would like to make it clear – underage drinking, fires causing criminal damage, fighting and foul and abusive language will not be tolerated.

“The young person’s safety and preventing further issues are a priority and when issued with a notice we will ensure they are returned to their home and their parents/guardians are made aware of their behaviour.

“We are hoping that parents and guardians of the young people who use this area assist us in reinforcing the message that they need to behave responsibly and comply with the current Covid-19 restrictions.”

The permission to issue notices has been granted until August 31 and will be subject to regular review.

In addition to the Section 35 dispersal notices, the neighbourhood team will also be using powers to confiscate alcohol and if the behaviour meets criminal levels or the order is breached then prosecution will be considered.

Anyone with information on Anti Social Behaviour can call South Wales Police on 101.

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