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Drink-driver jailed for causing death of baby in collision

A drink-driver who caused the death of a six-month-old baby girl last month has been convicted and sentenced to four years in prison.

Lucy Dyer, aged 23, of Heulwen Terrace, Llanelli, admitted causing the death of Eva Maria Nichifor by dangerous driving during a hearing at Swansea Crown Court today.

Dyer was arrested on Friday, 8th October, following the collision on Heol Goffa, Llanelli, where she failed to stop at a give way junction and crashed into a vehicle being driven by Eva Maria’s father, Florin.

Passenger Eva Maria sustained un-survivable head injuries and tragically passed away at the University of Wales Hospital Cardiff the following day.

Dyer answered ‘no comment’ when interviewed by police and was subsequently charged with causing death by dangerous driving and driving whilst over the prescribed limit and was remanded in custody.

Dyer provided a specimen of 46 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

In a victim impact statement read to the court, Eva Maria’s mum Carmen said: “I came to this country to assure a better life for my family and ended up tearing it apart.

“Since this tragedy has happened, I couldn’t sleep, I ate very rarely and when I close my eyes we only see her, my husband could no longer work, my mother too and we couldn’t make a living, we encountered difficulties in communicating with the police, the hospital, the insurance, things we probably shouldn’t have encountered.

“In the house where we live, we can’t see our place there without our little Eva because everywhere we look, we see only memories of her, how happy she was with us and how we learned with her what happiness means.

“The house is empty without her, we can no longer stay in the room where we used to live with her where we used to play all the time, now I can’t go into the room because I remember how happy she was when the 3 of us were together.

“We are low on morale and what we want is justice for our baby because she was taken from us too soon.”

Lead investigator PS Sara John, of the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “Lucy Dyer’s decision to drive in the manner she did and whilst over the prescribed limit has completely destroyed the lives of Eva Maria’s family.

“The devastation she has caused can never be undone and no sentence passed today could ever be enough.

“Eva Maria’s parents have shown remarkable strength and dignity throughout this investigation.”

Dyer, who also admitted a charge of drink driving, was banned from driving for five years with an extended test pass requirement.

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