
Wales News Online

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Dyfed-Powys Police give gift of light to residents of Pemberton and Llwynhendy

A GIFT of light to the people of Pemberton and Llwynhendy by police this Christmas may help reduce crime.

More than 100 timed lights devices that can be adjusted to illuminate homes strategically when there is no-body at home have been distributed to vulnerable people in the community.

Dyfed Powys Police crime prevention tactical advisor PC Dave White said: “With darker evenings and Christmas approaching opportunist burglary attempts heighten.

“The close knit community of Llwynhendy and Pemberton has been targeted in past years by opportunist Christmas burglars.

“One light in a room creating the impression someone is at home can make all the difference.

“The effect on families affected is costly and emotionally devastating. It can destroy Christmas for them.

“Home Office statistics show the average cost in losses, insurance and police investigation time for every burglary averaged £4,000

PC White linked up with Llanelli Rural Cllr Jason Hart who is also steward of the Bryn and Trallwm Sports Club to identify those who would most benefit from the surprise Christmas gift.

Cllr Hart said: “It was generous of Dyfed Powys Police though their Santa PC White to offer so many devices for distribution. It came as a great surprise to those receiving them when they attended our light’s switch on in the community earlier this month.

“We deliberately sought out those most vulnerable and at risk with PCSO’s,” said Cllr Hart.

PC White said it was important people did not let their guard down this festive time.

“Some families have their Christmases destroyed because they have openly displayed to passers-by wrapped presents under their twinkling Christmas tree.

“That is an open invitation to an opportunist thief.

“People also leave evidence of their expensive acquisitions like wide-screen TV’s and expensive electronic games with cardboard packaging outside their homes. They might as well be advertising ‘look what we’ve got to nick,’ he said.

“Dispose of or destroy the packaging creatively to reduce the risk,” urged PC White,

“then hopefully we can all have a happy and peaceful Christmas.”

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