
Wales News Online

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Eluned Morgan celebrates agricultural industry at big breakfast

LABOUR AM, Eluned Morgan tucked into top Welsh produce as she joined FUW members at an event highlighting the importance of the rural economy.

The annual breakfast, held on the Assembly’s estate, offers an opportunity for FUW members to engage with politicians and stakeholders whilst promoting quality premium local goods.

Addressing the over 100 breakfast guests, FUW President, Glyn Roberts emphasised the need to work together for agriculture and the rural economy: for open conversation and a joint working approach for the good of the industry and Wales as a whole:

“Food has the power to bring people together. We must keep the conversation open and discuss the future of our industry and the rural economies in Wales”

Mid and West Wales AM, Eluned Morgan was impressed by the wide variety of quality goods at the event and the recommendations put forward by the Union in respect of post-Brexit rural support.

Eluned Morgan AM with FUW President, Glyn Roberts

She said:

“In the coming days, local FUW branches will hold breakfast meetings in every corner of Wales. They are an important event in the calendar that brings people together to talk about rural affairs.

“35% of Wales’ population live in rural areas and over 6,000 Welsh farmers are likely to be directly affected by changes to Wales’ agricultural policies and support schemes following Brexit.

“Part of my job in the Assembly and Welsh Government is to ensure that Wales remains a vibrant and sustainable nation, ready to trade with the rest of the world. Our rural communities are key to producing high quality goods in family farms, it is vital that we continue to support our farming community.

Eluned Morgan pictured with Pembrokeshire FUW Member, Katie Davies

“As worries continue, in particular in relation to Bovine TB, I was pleased to hear the First Minister, Mark Drakeford state his commitment to working to find a solution that works for Wales. Already, the First Minister has met with the farming unions to hear their latest concerns and has met with Professor Glyn Hewinson, the World’s leading expert on bovine TB to look at new ways of dealing with the very specific issues around TB in different parts of Wales.

“Of course more needs to be done on this, and I am pleased that both Mark Drakeford and Lesley Griffiths in her rural portfolio are working to get this new approach done.”


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