
Wales News Online

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Energy plant to serve abattoir on industrial estate in Merthyr Tydfil

THERE are plans for an energy plant to serve an abattoir on an industrial estate in Merthyr Tydfil.

The application for a local energy centre made up of a combined heat and power and energy storage scheme at Kepak/St Merryn Meat on Pengarnddu Industrial Estate in Dowlais will go before the council’s planning committee on Wednesday, June 29.

It involves the installation of a local energy centre with a combined heat and power (CHP) plant, which includes a 10m-high silencer stack, storage tank, enclosed transformer and inverter housing.

The heat and power plant would generate about one megawatt of electricity and would provide power directly to Kepak/St Merryn Meat at a discounted rate under a power purchase agreement.

The proposed plant would use a gas engine to generate electricity. The excess heat that would be released as a by-product of the electricity generation process, would be recycled so it could be used for heating, hot water, steam and industrial processes.

The application said the system may be operated both during the day and night so it could run for 24 hours a day.

A cable would connect a substation to the mains to provide power directly to Kepak/St Merryn.

The land included in the application is on the southern side of the abattoir.

The planning report said that to the south and east of the land there is dense vegetation and trees that form a buffer between the industrial unit and the open countryside beyond.

Further to the south and at a lower level to the site is a salvage yard and to the west of the salvage yard are two houses.

Councillor David Hughes requested the application be reported to committee to consider the potential impact of noise from the development on neighbouring properties.

Two objections have been received from residents who live nearby.

The main concerns are about the impact of the development in terms of noise and disturbance and questions have also been raised over the impact of the development on the local environment and ecology.

But planning officers are the council have recommended approval, saying: “The proposed development would support the delivery of a renewable energy project that would enhance the infrastructure associated with the existing abattoir and result in the creation of a more sustainable form of development.

“The proposals would be sited within the existing service yard adjoining similar plant, machinery and equipment thereby not appearing out of context.

“The height and design of the proposed flue would not have an adverse visual impact on the character of the area.

“The proposals would not raise any issues with respect to noise or air quality and would not result in an increase in parking demand at the site.”


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