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European Union Settlement Scheme: citizens reminded to apply

SOME very encouraging data has come to light in terms of the number of applications made in Ceredigion for the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

The data suggests a vast increase in applications received and processed from individuals working and living in Ceredigion. Sources show that Ceredigion has completed around 2,110 applications (source: Home Office, figures correct as up to 31 December 2020). This is very positive news, but it is very important to note that there is still work to be done.

 What we are doing as a Local Authority:

Ceredigion County Council have been actively involved in the support and promotion of the European Union Settlement Scheme through the sharing of regular updates with the public for several months.

With the deadline edging ever closer it has never been more important for us all to gain clarity on the scheme and to ensure that citizens of the EU, EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland apply as soon as possible and before the deadline of 30 June 2021.

Ceredigion County Council formed a dedicated steering group, which contains various representatives from services throughout the council, including Education, Housing, Social Services, Community Cohesion and Communication. The purpose of this group is to share expertise, working together to put relevant actions into place to promote the scheme as extensively as possible to the residents of Ceredigion.

Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said:

“We are thrilled to hear that many of our EU citizens living and working in Ceredigion have successfully applied to the European Union Settlement Scheme. It is vital that each resident realises the important part they play in our county and how valued and welcomed they are. We hope that those still to apply will do so as soon as possible”.

Every one of us has a civic duty to ensure that our EU, EEA and Swiss friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues, employees, and associates are fully aware of the need and importance of applying. The EUSS is not optional and applications must be made by all affected citizens (the only exception is individuals from the Republic of Ireland).

The importance of applying:

It is extremely important for everyone that needs to apply to do so as soon as possible. The impacts of not applying are not fully known at present but it is clear that by delaying or not applying, individuals run the risk of losing their continued rights to reside in the UK and access to services.

To apply for the scheme, visit the UK Government’s website: https://www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens-families/applying-for-settled-status

For help, advice and signposting to organisations able to assist with applications, visit the EUSS Wales website: http://www.eusswales.com/en/index.html

Online Link: www.ceredigion.gov.uk/resident/news/euss-citizens-reminded-to-apply/

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