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Exciting times ahead for town’s ward

LLANELLI’s Tyisha ward is to be transformed as part of an exciting multi-million-pound regeneration project.

It follows a major consultation exercise with residents and businesses to create a vibrant, new community which will give the area – including Station Road – a complete overhaul.

An ambitious regeneration masterplan has been drawn up following feedback from the community and will now be put into action.

A report setting out the long-term ambition for Tyisha has been approved by the council’s Executive Board.

The aim is to transform the area, which is one of the county’s most deprived, into a place where people want to live and work.

Executive board member for housing Cllr Linda Evans said: “We commissioned ‘Planning for Real’ to help lead us on the right track. All ages were keen to contribute and I’m sure by working together we can improve the community area.”

Cllr Hazel Evans, an executive board member for the environment, agreed: “We have taken the community with us in this project and their ideas to improve the area.”

Cllr Peter Hughes-Griffiths recognised the project had been “well-received” adding: “It’s exciting times for the area.”

Tyisha is seen as an area of strategic importance, providing a vital link between Llanelli town centre and the Wellness Village at Delta Lakes.

It has the highest population density in Carmarthenshire, however, over a quarter of housing is social rented, in low demand and difficult to let.

The plan is to deliver new mixed-use housing developments, develop more community facilities and bring vacant business premises back into use.

Action will be taken to improve the environment and to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour along with providing opportunities for education, training, and employment.

Executive board member for education and children Cllr Glynog Davies spoke about how important community spirit was in the Tyisha area with the new £10million Ysgol Pen Rhos already making a difference.

“It’s an ambitious plan in a disadvantaged area,” he said.

“I have visited the new school in that area, Ysgol Pen Rhos, and the children are very proud of their community. It’s a community school in the real essence of the word. When you ask the children their opinions of the area, they speak very positively and are very proud. The scheme would improve Station Road significantly.”

A community steering group has been set up and the council is working with various partners including Dyfed-Powys Police and Llanelli Town Council to drive forward the project.

A total of £9.3million has been allocated from the council’s New Build Programme (Housing Revenue Account) specifically for the Station Road area to assist in its regeneration.

Council Leader Emlyn Dole, whose portfolio includes regeneration and economic development, added: “This project is unique in the area that it covers, and it is a significant change for those living in Tyisha. The community has given their opinions and are keen that changes take place.”

The next steps include talking to tenants of Clos Sant Paul and the 4 Ty’s – half of which is empty – about their housing needs and future options.

Drop-in sessions will be held during November and December for Tyisha residents to find out more about the proposals, and there are also plans to set up a base in the Station Road area.

Image: An artist’s impression of how Great Western Crescent could look in the future (opposite the train station) as part of the Tyisha Planning for Real project.

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