
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

PEMBROKESHIRE County Council is looking for a suitable company to complete the next stage of a Welsh Government funded extension to south county Gypsy and Traveller site.

A plan to extend Kingsmoor Gypsy and Traveller Site in Kilgetty is already underway with funding of £1.42million included in the council’s capital programme.

Cabinet member for housing Cllr Michelle Bateman signed off a delegated decision this week to invite tender submissions for the procurement and installation of amenity blocks on the ten new pitches.

“If the tenders were in excess of expectations, we would have to ascertain whether additional funding was available from WG,” the published decision report states.

Delegation of the decision on contractor appointment to director of social services and housing Jonathan Griffiths was also approved.

Each prefabricated amenity block includes a kitchen/dining/living area, utility and bathroom, in line with Welsh Government guidance with the construction of the pitches and associated infrastructure nearly finished.

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