
Wales News Online

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Firefighters commended for long service and saving lives

THREE Firefighters from Rhayader Fire Station have received awards this week from the Deputy Chief Fire Officer.

Watch Manager Rhys Thomas and, recently retired, Watch Manager Andrew James received the prestigious Chief Fire Officers Commendation for saving the life of a local man, Mr Wyn Hope.

On 6th June, Andrew was initially called to his friend’s house who was suffering from chest pains, he notified his station colleagues and Rhys came to assist him and he brought with him a defibrillator. In this time, Mr Hope had gone into cardiac arrest and the two successfully resuscitated the man using the community defibrillator, that the Station had raised funding for, and their fire service training.

Mr Hope made a full recovery following an operation and cannot thank the firefighters enough for their quick response that most definitely saved his life.

Retired Watch Manager Andrew James, who served at Rhayader Station for 26 years, was presented with his Service Certificate along with Firefighter Stuart Kinrade who has served for 10 years at the Station.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Roger Thomas, who made the presentations said “It is a pleasure to recognise the tremendous work of the firefighters and recognise their dedication and professionalism during this incident in addition to their years of service.

Andrew and Rhys have used their training to react and save a life of a member of their community. Like all of our on-call firefighters, they are drawn from their local community and it is a great opportunity to acknowledge their commitment. I would like to thank Andrew for his long and dedicated service and wish him well in his retirement from the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.”

The presentation was attended by local Powys County Councillor and Fire Authority member Kelvyn Curry who also commented ” The Community of Rhayader have worked hard in fundraising to supply lifesaving defibrillators in the community and it has proved its worth in the saving of a life of a local resident. I would like to thank Rhys, Andrew and all of the crew at Rhayader Station for their continued support in keeping our community safe.

Rhayader Fire Station is one of eighteen in Powys which are all crewed by on call firefighters from their communities who respond from home or their place of work. If you would like to be part of the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service then please visit www.mawwfire.gov.uk

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