
Wales News Online

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First Minister commits to exploring national museum of BAME history

THE First Minister has responded to questions from Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price during today’s FMQs in the Senedd by committing to exploring the establishment of a national museum of BAME (black, Asian, and minority ethnic) history for Wales.

Adam Price referred to the museums already funded by the Welsh Government, namely wool, maritime, slate and coal, adding that there is an ‘obvious gap.’

Mr Price also made the case for the new Welsh curriculum to include the teaching of black and people of colour history in schools, including Wales’s own role in colonialism and slavery.

Speaking shortly after FMQs, Adam Price said:

“I welcome the First Minister’s positive commitment to exploring a national museum of BAME history for Wales.

“The Welsh Government currently funds a woollen, maritime, industrial, slate and coal museum, and there is also a separate proposal for a military medicine museum in what was Tiger Bay. There is an obvious gap.

“Recent events have reminded us that we all have much to learn about the history of Wales’s BAME communities and their role in shaping our nation as it is today.

“Such a museum would help develop our collective understanding and foster greater respect within our society. As the First Minister said, this should be a ‘living’ museum which weds the historical and the contemporary.

“I also urged the First Minister to ensure that black history is taught in every school in Wales so that each child grows up with a greater understanding of our nation’s rich heritage.

“It was heartening to hear that the Education Minister will look again at this issue as she prepares to introduce the new curriculum.”

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