
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

First Minister to launch five-year plan for stronger, greener, fairer Wales

THE First Minister will today (Tuesday 15 June) launch his Programme for Government – an ambitious plan to build a stronger, greener, fairer Wales for everyone.

The plans set out the Welsh Government’s key commitments for the next five years to improve the lives of people across Wales.

It puts the environment and tackling climate change at the heart of everything the Welsh Government does.

The Programme for Government highlights a series of cross-cutting commitments together with the Welsh Government’s wellbeing objectives, including:

Prioritising investment in mental health
Paying care workers the real living wage
Delivering the Young Person’s Guarantee – giving everyone under 25 the offer of work, education, training, or self-employment
Creating a National Forest, which will extend from North to South Wales.
Introducing a Clean Air Act and banning more single-use plastics
Building 20,000 new, low-carbon social homes for rent.
First Minister Mark Drakeford will say:

“We will build a fairer, greener and stronger Wales in which everyone has plays a part – we don’t want anyone to be left behind or held back.

“Our Programme for Government is an ambitious and radical plan which sets out how we will move Wales forward, focusing on what matters to people and where we can make the greatest difference to people and communities.

“People in Wales look after each other and this programme is built on that principle.”

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