
Wales News Online

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First Minister’s anger over Welsh Conservative Leader’s ‘moral high ground’ politics.

First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford launched what appears to be becoming a characteristic angry tirade at the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies following questions from the MS over ambulance waiting times in Wales.

The First Minister was visibly angry as he turned on Andrew RT Davies. The First Minister was raising his voice and pointing at the Welsh Conservative Leader who in turn was raising his voice and pointing back at the First Minister. At one point the First Minister slapped the paper he was reading from.

“It is absolutely shocking to me that you think you can turn up here this afternoon with the mess your party has made to the budgets of this country, to the reputation of this country around the world. That you promised those people that there would be more to come and you think you can turn up here this afternoon and claim some sort of moral high ground. What sort of world do you belong in?”

Earlier Andrew RT Davies had become very animated and angry quoting instances when people were forced to wait for an ambulance for up to 15 hours. He said: “You have been responsible for the health service here in Wales for 23 years. You voted for to cut the health budget here in Wales. You can throw your pen down first Minister but what are you going to do about it?”

The First Minister said: “I understand how difficult it must be for the leader of the opposition to come here and ask questions today. But don’t let him believe that by shouting at me he will persuade anybody outside this Chamber that his responsibility—I’ve not heard ever a single word from him assuming responsibility for the actions of his Government.”

For anyone looking in these were not the kind of scenes, which set a great example for the workplace however much the political frustrations and differences are. This is the second instance in recent weeks that the First Minister has launched an angry attack on Mr Davies and the politics of the UK and Welsh Conservatives.

The chair asked for calm said: “Can we take a moment here? I understand that the arguments and the feelings run high on these issues from a variety of perspectives, I understand some of the shouting taking place, but I won’t have people pointing in anger, and gesticulating in anger, at other people. Can we just take a moment to calm down? I’m hoping that Adam Price will contribute to that when I call him to ask his questions.”

Calm was restored with the hushed tones of Adam Price MS continuing an attack on the UK Conservative party and asking where a new Labour government would find the money from.

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