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Five years’ jail for prolific burglar who targeted blind woman

A prolific burglar who befriended an elderly blind woman at church before targeting her home is today starting a five-year jail term.

Kevin Kelly attended a film night at the Emmanuel Christchurch in Bridgend at the end of December, where he introduced himself as ‘Dave’ and was welcomed by the congregation.

Following the film, Kelly was given a lift home by the pastor alongside a woman in her 80s who was accompanied by her guide dog.

The following morning the woman was alone at home awaiting a delivery when she heard a knock at the door.

Recognising ‘Dave’s’ distinctive Newcastle accent, the victim allowed him in to her home after he asked to use the toilet.

He told her he was freezing cold and on his way to see his daughter in hospital, and asked if he could have a cup of tea to warm up.

While in the kitchen, the woman heard him say he was going outside to answer a call.

Kelly failed to return and a short time later the woman discovered her handbag had been moved and her purse and its contents removed.
The 47-year-old was subsequently arrested and later pleaded guilty to burglary at Cardiff Magistrates’ Court.

Following sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court today, officer in the case DC Daniel Parry said: “This was a calculated and particularly cruel incident.

“Kevin Kelly very clearly sought out a place where he knew he would meet generous and trusting people, and deliberately targeted a particularly vulnerable woman in the place where she should feel safest.

“The incident has shaken the woman’s naturally trusting personality and has affected her independence.

“Kelly – who has a string of convictions for similar offences around the country – showed a complete disregard for the victim and the huge impact his callous actions would have upon her, and I’m pleased the court has recognised the gravity of his offending and imposed a custodial sentence so that he is unable to prey on anyone else.”

Targeting elderly blind lady in burglary: Kevin Kelly


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