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Football club in Llandaff North calling for action after vandals repeatedly wreck pitch

CARDIFF Draconians football club in Llandaff North is calling for action after vandals have been repeatedly wrecking the club’s pitch.

The club play at Lydstep Park and has recently been promoted into the third tier of the Welsh football league.

Ahead of their first season in tier three starting in July, the Dracs invested in new stands and a fence around its pitch.

But for the past two weeks, vandals have been breaking the fence, wrecking the spectators’ seats, and shouting abuse at passersby.

Paul Yanez, one of the Draconians committee members, said the past three days of damage has cost the club £1,500, including replacing fencing, installing anti-vandal paint, and repairing seats.

He said:

“They climbed over the fence, so we installed anti-vandal paint. Now they break through the fence. They’ve also ripped seats out of the stands and thrown them onto the pitch.”

The football club has approached Cardiff council and South Wales Police for help. Mr. Yanez said he has been in touch with the police three times in a week.

The club maintains the ground themselves, and the committee has raised thousands in funds to pay for the recent improvements to the pitch.

This week one vandal was caught on camera by a neighbour walking his dog near the pitch, brazenly bending the fence back to get onto the grounds.

David Rees, chairman of the club, said:

“It wears you down, as well as costing money. We need stronger and higher fences. We’ve approached the council to see if they can help us.”

Last winter, vandals wrecked the bottom pitch at Lydstep flats, which isn’t surrounded by a fence and is open to the public to use. Four men were seen in a 4×4 driving doughnuts around the pitch, ruining the grass.

Now just as the Dracs are preparing for the new season to start, the latest vandalism is a “kick in the teeth”, Mr. Yanez said.

He added:

“We’re all volunteers, none of us are paid. I should be working today. The man-hours we put in are unreal.

“Our local support is really good. But it’s a kick in the teeth for us. It is off-putting— but it’s not going to put us off. We’re going to keep going.”

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