
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THREE new pitches will be available for Narberth footballers who “struggle to find a playing surface”.

Permission has been given for one full size Football Association standard senior pitch which will also incorporate two junior pitches, in the opposite direction.

Cllr Vic Dennis said at Tuesday’s (May 21) Pembrokeshire County Council planning committee meeting that “there’s a great need for this.”

“Senior and junior teams within Narberth struggle to find a playing surface,” he said, adding he fully supported the plan.

“This will definitely be meeting community needs and increasing facilities for our future generations,” said Cllr Dennis.

The proposal, on a field to the west of the A478 near Narberth Community Primary School, also includes the creation of a parking area for a minimum of 20 vehicles for users of the pitches and spectators.

Narberth Town Council had raised concerns about viability at the entrance to the site.

Planning conditions on the application include provision of visibility splays and pedestrian link into the site.

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