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Former taxi driver jailed for raping passenger in cab

A FORMER taxi driver has been jailed for 10 years for raping a passenger in the back of his cab.

Anthony Marcus Jones, of the Mount Estate in Milford Haven, was found guilty of raping a woman who was too inebriated to consent while entrusted with taking her home from a night out.

Dyfed-Powys Police officers investigating the offence were able to put together a strong file of evidence against the 45-year-old despite a number of days passing between the incident taking place and the victim reporting it, and no forensic evidence being available.

Thanks to a lengthy and detailed investigation, during which specialist support was provided to the victim, a jury unanimously found Jones guilty of rape at Swansea Crown Court.

A detective constable who investigated the case said: “This investigation spanned nearly three years, during which time the victim showed strength and determination in getting justice.

“Despite there being no forensic evidence available to us as the incident was reported four days after it took place, a team of officers worked diligently and tenaciously to compile sufficient evidence to prove the defendant’s guilt.”

The incident was reported to police on April 4, 2018 by a third party who the victim had spoken to. Officers immediately made contact with the victim, who had no recollection of the offence but was able to provide pieces of information which were used to launch an investigation.

Through enquiries with friends and viewing CCTV footage from a number of cameras inside and outside a pub she had attended, officers began to establish the sequence of events.

“We learned that the victim had been on a night out in Milford Haven, and had become intoxicated,” the DC said.

“She was taken outside the pub and a taxi was called to get her home safely. However, she was unable to tell the driver where she lived, so he called a colleague – Jones – to come and pick her up.”

Jones, knowing where the victim lived, met the first taxi in a car park in Haverfordwest and the passenger was transferred between the two cars.

Just minutes later, he proceeded to rape her in the back of the cab before leaving her outside her home in a state of undress.

Several days later, Jones contacted the victim to tell her they’d had consensual sex, which she immediately disputed. It was at this point that she confided in a friend and police were contacted.

“This was a despicable betrayal of trust by a man who was responsible for getting a woman home safely after a night out,” the DC said.

“It was clear from CCTV footage that she was intoxicated, and anyone who would even consider sexual activity with someone in her condition would be grossly taking advantage of a vulnerable person.

“By putting her in a taxi, she and her friends should have been confident that she would get home unharmed – however Jones showed a total disregard for her wellbeing and put his own gratification first.”

Jones was sentenced to 10 years in prison and must register as a sex offender for life.

“I commend the victim for having the courage to report the incident to police, and hope this lengthy sentence goes some way to bring comfort for what she has suffered,” the DC said.

“I would urge any victims of a sexual offence to have the confidence to come forward, knowing their report will be treated sensitively and seriously.”

*Goleudy Victim and Witness Support offers support to victims and witnesses of crime, whether the incident has been reported or not. They can be contacted in the following ways:

Phone: 0300 1232996

Email: goleudy@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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