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Foster Monmouthshire plea to support ‘young, bright and funny’ teenager

IF you met S, who would you see? You might see a young person who likes doing her hair and makeup, a young woman who is great at cooking and who loves to go for coffee or to a nail bar. You might see a young woman who is funny, kind and caring and for whom spending time with friends and family is really important. You might see someone who loves swimming and escaping into her music and who enjoys watching a good Disney film.

If you met S, what you might not see is that she has faced lots of challenges in her young life, a young person who has had to be independent from a very young age, who has had to cook and care for her younger siblings. You might not know that because of her experiences she is often anxious and needs reassurance and support from people who care about her.

Foster Monmouthshire ( 01873 735950) is hoping to find carers S can learn to trust and who will learn to trust her too, who will help her achieve her potential, and who will feel proud of her and her achievements.

S is having support from MyST who is a highly therapeutic support team working with S and helping her overcome her fears and anxieties. S is developing positive relationships with the team who provide a high level of support to both S and her foster carers.

Because of her early experiences, S hasn’t always found it easy to build trusting relationships and because of this you may see at times an outwardly angry young lady, but she is a young person who longs to be loved. S really wants to feel cared about and valued by people who can be in her corner and try to understand what she has experienced.  She wants to know that she matters and is important to someone; to feel settled somewhere where she feels she can belong, with people who will help her develop into the amazing young woman she is becoming and walk beside her throughout this journey.

So what about you? Could you be someone who could make S feel she matters? Could you be someone with the time, patience, and availability that S could trust to support her as she becomes a young adult and navigates the responsibilities of growing up? Could you provide a home where S could feel safe and not just cared for but cared about? You would have training, round-the-clock support, and a financial payment to help you do this. Could you be the person to make this difference?

Speaking about S, Cabinet Member for Safeguarding, Social Care and Health, Cllr Penny Jones said:

“S has experienced significant loss, trauma, and placement breakdowns in recent years, and in spite of that, she continues to make progress in her academic path. She is a very bright and intelligent young lady and like every young person, S needs the stability and guidance of a loving and supportive family environment to help her recognise and acknowledge her strengths.

“S requires a carer who will be there for her, encouraging her and making her feel important. S needs a carer who is able to prioritise her needs and show her that they are committed to supporting her in all aspects of her life. If you could be this person in S’s life please contact Foster Monmouthshire today.”

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