
Wales News Online

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Four arrested following Mayhill disorder

FOUR males have been arrested in connection with violent disorder in Mayhill on Thursday, May 20.

The local males aged  36, 20, 18 and 16 have been arrested on suspicion of unlawful violence and remain in police custody.

There have been no further incidents of violence or disorder since Thursday night and increased patrols will continue over the weekend.

Officers wish to thank those residents who have already come forward and provided witness statements and video footage.

However, they are also appealing for more information.

Detective Superintendent Gareth Morgan, who is leading the investigation for South Wales Police, said: “There are many residents who were present at the scene during the disturbance and will no doubt know the identity of those who caused damage and threatened violence.

“I urge the public not to protect those who showed such disregard for the community of Mayhill and to give us the names of those who can been seen on social media footage.

“We have a dedicated team of detectives who are carrying out extensive enquiries to identify those involved and we are ready to act upon any information received.
“Detectives and uniform officers will be present and visible in the community over the coming days and weeks with further arrests expected.

“Those that want to hand themselves in can do so at Swansea Central Police Station.”

Anyone with any photographs or video footage is asked to submit them here: Public Portal (mipp.police.uk)

You can also contact with any other information by the following means quoting occurrence 2100176569


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Via email: PublicServiceCentre@south-wales.police.uk

Phone: 101

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