
Wales News Online

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Free ice creams in return for cleaning South Gower beaches

ENVIRONMENTALISTS are asking for help in cleaning up the beaches of South Gower. In a statement organiser Rob Morgan said:

“This weekend there will be a big beach clean and litter pick on and around our beautiful less accessible beaches of South Gower.

“Friends and volunteers will collect the litter we gather by boat from designated areas on the beaches. Plan as follows:”

10-1.30 Pwll Ddu – meet volunteers in high vis with equipment at path near the houses

2.30- 5.30 Shepherds for Three Cliffs – pick up equipment at VW van outside Shepherds. Free parking at Gower Heritage Centre, Orchard, just let attendants know you are volunteering).

2.30- 5.30 Nicholaston Farm for Crawley Woods and Tor Bay – pick up equipment from tent field, free parking also available in tent field (follow the lane to the end)

Sunday – boats collect at 6pm so last clean up 4-6pm and help load boats. Equipment available from Shepherds as Saturday.

FREE ICE CREAMS at Shepherds for all volunteers.

Please plan to come along and help plus discover our more hidden gems of Gower.

Facebook event page here for more info https://fb.me/e/1svCyPV9G

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