
Wales News Online

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Free online careers event to support students year 9 and over in west Wales

A FREE virtual ‘Choose Your Future’ event will be available on 10 and 11 March to provide vital careers support for students in west Wales who are in Year 9 and above.

It can be a confusing and demanding time for pupils in these years, who might be facing upcoming choices that will affect their future educational and vocational pathways.

The virtual session will be an opportunity for attendees to find out more about the world of work and priority sectors for west Wales, to help empower them to make informed decisions.

Attendees will be able to hear from industry experts, find out more about different roles and opportunities within these industries, and ask direct questions to local employers who will also be attending the event.

These employers include Bluestone National Park Resort, Castell Howell Foods, RWE Renewables and Carmarthenshire Construction Training Association Ltd (CCTAL).

Throughout the day, separate English and Welsh language sessions will be held, each focusing on the seven priority sectors for the area and will be forty-five minutes long.

The details and times of these are as follows:

Working in construction

10 March 9.10am – 9.55am: Welsh medium session

11 March 9.10am – 9.55am: English medium session

Working in creative, digital and ICT

10 March 10.05am – 10.50am: Welsh medium session

11 March 10.05am – 10.50am: English medium session

Working in advanced materials and manufacturing

10 March 11am – 11.45am: Welsh medium session

11 March 11am – 11.45am: English medium session

Working in food and landbased

10 March 11.55am – 12.40pm: Welsh medium session

11 March 11.55am – 12.40pm: English medium session

Working in health and social care

10 March 13.20pm – 14.05pm: Welsh medium session

11 March 13.20pm – 14.05pm: English medium session

Working in tourism, leisure and retail

10 March 14.15pm – 3pm: Welsh medium session

11 March 14.15pm – 3pm: English medium session

Working in finance and professional

10 March 13.20pm – 14.05pm: Welsh medium session

11 March 13.20pm – 14.05pm: English medium session

Sessions can be accessed on the day directly through Microsoft Teams, and there is no need to sign up in advance.

Mark Owen, Head of Stakeholder Services for Careers Wales, said “Covid-19 restrictions continue to prevent any face-to-face careers fairs or similar events going ahead.

“We’re delighted to be able to host this event online so that young people won’t be missing out on vital opportunities to expand their horizons when it comes to careers and their future choices.

“We hope that by bringing together school pupils with industry experts and employers, we can help encourage and inspire future generations to pursue a career pathway most suited to them.”

To find out more, and to access the events, visit the dedicated event page on the Careers Wales website.

Please note that the Teams app might need to be downloaded for viewing on tablets or phones.


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