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BUS passengers will again be able to travel free on scheduled bus journeys within the city of Newport this March.

Councillor Jane Mudd, Leader of Newport City Council, has welcomed the decision of the Burns Delivery Board to make the offer using Welsh Government funding.

The Burns Delivery Board was set up last year to ensure the 58 recommendations in the Burns Report become a reality. The report set out a plan for a modern public transport system in Newport to ease congestion around the M4 and improve services for residents.

Cllr Mudd said:

“In December, the council funded a similar offer which received positive feedback from both residents and businesses with a marked increase in the number of bus passengers compared to the same month in 2020.

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“The council has an excellent working relationship with the Burns Delivery Board so I’m delighted it has decided to have a free bus scheme in March. I would like to thank it, and Welsh Government, for this important support for the city and its residents.

“As the public health situation looks set to improve and with the start of spring around the corner, this will be a great opportunity for people to find alternative and greener ways of travelling while staying local to support local businesses.

“It will also make a real difference to individuals and families who are facing up to cost of living rises as we emerge from winter.”

Councillor Roger Jeavons, the council’s deputy leader, said:

“As well as encouraging people to stay local and support local businesses, the scheme also meets the longer-term objectives of the council, the Burns Delivery Board and Welsh Government for greater use of more sustainable public transport.

“I would also like to thank the bus companies who agreed to join the scheme helping to make it such a success in December and I’m sure the March offer will prove just as popular.

The scheme will continue to operate in the same way:

Journeys that start and end within the city boundaries with Newport Bus, Stagecoach, Cardiff Bus, and Fflecsi will be free. This applies even if the routes begin or terminate outside the city;

This will also apply to pupils travelling to school within Newport who would normally pay; and

Passengers who would normally pay a fare just need to board the bus for their journeys but concessionary pass holders, such as the over-60s, must still show their passes when they get on.


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