
Wales News Online

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DETAILED plans for a  five-storey, 100-bed hotel in Milford Haven have been granted planning permission.

Last month a Milford Haven councillor criticised the length of time it had taken for a planning decision to be made on the Port of Milford Haven’s application for a hotel that is part of redevelopment plans at the marina.

Councillors had also questioned the design of the hotel, which was granted outline planning in 2019, with the reserved matters plan first discussed by the planning committee on March 10.

A proposed site visit was cancelled due to lockdown.

Permission was given in November last year to demolish a number of buildings on the waterfront to make way for the development.

The five-storey hotel will have 100 bedrooms over four floors, with floor space of 4,286sq.m and a height of 22m, on land partly occupied by the Burnyeates building which will be demolished.

There is also a plan for public space including ‘Museum Square’ and integrated play opportunities, sculptural art installations, equipment and seating.

At an urgency committee in March it was agreed that delegated authority to issue a decision, once ecological issues have been resolved, was given to Dr Steven Jones, director of community services.

Conditional approval was issued on July 9.

An application for an 89-space car park, cycle and motorcycle spaces for a temporary period of up to five years, to serve the future development of the Milford waterfront including the hotel was also approved.

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