
Wales News Online

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CEREDIGION Archives, the county record office is open again. Things are a little bit different at present but everyone is just as welcome.

The research room has been re-arranged to give a separate area for each researcher, and the windows are kept open for fresh air circulation.

Visiting is by appointment only, with a maximum of four researchers at a time. Visitors can simply phone or email to arrange an appointment and documents will be ready upon arrival.

For people who don’t yet feel ready to travel to the Archives, there is still a distance enquiry service, and lots of interesting things to read on the website and blogs: Ceredigion Archives.

Accredited Archives Status

Following a complete review of its services, Ceredigion Archives has retained its coveted Accredited Archive Status.

The process involves assessing the quality of all aspects of the service including governance, buildings and staff, and collections care. The Accrediting Panel recognised and applauded the solid progress of the Ceredigion Archives, noting the positive developments around storage, information management and the conservation and preservation of collections.

Archive Service Accreditation provides assurance on the quality of services provided by Archive Services in the UK. Archive Service Accreditation is supported by a partnership of the Archives and Records Association (UK); Archives and Records Council Wales; National Records of Scotland; Public Record Office of Northern Ireland; Scottish Council on Archives; The National Archives; and the Welsh Government through its Culture and Sport division.

Distance Enquiry Service

Ceredigion Archives has also received an enthusiastic endorsement from the public via the Distance Enquiry Services survey undertaken every two years by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

The Archives delivered a service by phone and email throughout lockdown, and invited the recipients to respond to the national survey. Responses were overwhelmingly positive including remarks such as: “Mae’r gwasanaeth a dderbyniais yn ardderchog”, “The exchange was of the utmost quality and professionalism and is deeply appreciated” and simply “You’ve been fabulous!”

Archives staff are very pleased by the positive feedback. Ceredigion Archives is now open Monday – Friday, with two research sessions per day.

Get in touch with Ceredigion Archives on 01970 633697 or e-mail archives@ceredigion.gov.uk.

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