
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Gwendraeth is alive with sound of Christmas music

THE pupils of three Gwendraeth Valley schools came together on Tuesday (Dec 17) to entertain a large audience of local residents with Christmas carols.

Some 120 pupils of Gwynfryn, Carway and Pontyates schools took to the stage at the Pontyates Miners Welfare Hall building on the success of the World Cup concert they put on for the community.

They performed three songs they had learned at school and three songs that members of the older community had taught them, which they could sing along to.

There were plates full of mince pies, tea and coffee on offer during the concert. The hall was also beautifully decorated and was almost as colourful as the Christmas jumpers the children were wearing.

Cllr Tysul Evans was among those who joined the mass community singing at the end of the concert.



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