
Wales News Online

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AN APPLICATION asking whether formal planning permission is needed to construct an agricultural building was approved by councillors.

The agricultural notification only went in front of Powys County Council’s planning committee on Thursday, May 20, as the applicant is a county councillor.

Cllr Jonathan Wilkinson (Meifod) had asked whether he needed to make a formal application for a 222 square metre building which would also form an extension to another storage building at Dyffryn Farmhouse near Meifod.

Cllr Wilkinson who is also a member of the planning meeting, had logged out of the meeting before his application came up for discussion.

According to the plans, hay and farming machinery would be kept in the building.

Planning officer, Rhian Griffiths, said: “Agricultural notifications are required to be submitted in order to allow us to determine the proposals compliance with permitted development.

“The site does feature a number of constraints, one of which is the C2 flood zone.

“Technical Advice Note 15 confirms that proposals for agricultural developments are likely to be acceptable in all areas where there is a risk of flooding.”

Ms Griffiths said that it was not thought that the risk of flooding would be increased by the development.

She recommended that prior approval was not needed as the proposal was covered by permitted development rights.

Planning committee solicitor, Colin Edwards, said: “I can confirm that I have looked at the documents in this matter and can confirm the application was processed normally.”

Cllr Hywel Lewis indicated that he was ready to propose the application go to a vote, and this was seconded by Cllr Les George.

The application was approved unanimously.

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