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Headteacher encouraged by level of engagement for school enlargement plans

A headteacher and school governor have been encouraged by the level of engagement by a consultation into long-awaited plans for a school enlargement.

The consultation into a proposal to enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School in Kenfig Hill, by relocating the infant department to a new build primary school at the existing junior site on Pwllygath Street, came to close on Wednesday January 12.

Relocating the infant site – currently on Ton View – would bring an end to the split-site arrangement, which has existed for decades.

Headteacher of Mynydd Cynffig Primary School, Neil Davies said that if the enlargement is approved it would be a “historic” moment.

“We want to provide the children with the best education opportunities possible and personally, I think the proposal to put us on one site with a modern 21st century school will only help us to deliver that,” said Mr Davies.

“I am excited about the project.

“My understanding is that the consultation has drawn an excellent response and I am grateful to everyone who took part in that and expressed their views because at the end of the day, this is a school that is at the heart of the community of Kenfig Hill and I look forward to seeing the results of the consultation.

“Hopefully we can move forward this exciting project.”

If the proposal for the enlargement went ahead, the capacity of the school would increase from 333 learner places for children aged 4 to 11, to 420 learner places.

There would also be a 75-place full-time equivalent nursery provision.

Prior to Mynydd Cynffig amalgamating as a single primary school in 2015, there were two seperate schools – Mynydd Cynffig Infants School and Mynydd Cynffig Junior School.

Mr Davies added: “More than anything else, it would bring all the children in our primary school together and bring all the staff together.

“At the minute we have got parents who are taking some of their children to the infant site and then they are having to come over to the junior site to drop their junior children off.”

Governor at Mynydd Cynffig Primary, Jane Gebbie, said the proposed enlargement is “desperately needed”.

“I am really pleased that the community has engaged really well on this.

“I don’t want to pre-determine any decision that is going to be made, but we are trying to do the best that we can.

“I am really pleased with the engagement that we have had from our local community and I am really pleased that they have had the opportunity to have an input.

“The benefits to staff, children and teachers [would be] enormous.”

Among the potential disadvantages listed in the consultation report, it states that construction of the new school would need to be phased if it went ahead to “allow the junior school to remain functional during the build process”.

The replacement school building would open for learners in September 2025 if the proposal is approved.

Ms Gebbie, who is also a Bridgend County Borough Councillor for Pyle, added: “It [would be] a difficult project, but we are really looking forward to [the prospect] of it.”


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