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Helen Mary Jones AM condems Labour Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport over comments on Welsh economy

MID and West AM Helen Mary Jones has called for Llanelli AM Lee Waters to explain himself in the Senedd after making astonishing comments on the Labour-led Welsh Government’s handling of the economy.

The Deputy Minister for the Economy was reported as saying:

Under fire from Plaid Cymru: Lee Waters AM

‘For 20 years we’ve pretended we know what we’re doing on the economy—and the truth is we don’t really know what we’re doing on the economy.’

Plaid Cymru Mid and West AM Helen Mary Jones, Shadow Health Minister said:

“I think the Deputy Minister has got to explain himself to this place both for what he means by his comments, which are extremely serious if true, and also, perhaps more importantly, what role he intends to play to make sure that the Welsh Government does work out what it’s doing on the economy.

“It isn’t good enough simply for him to hide behind the Economy Minister Ken Skates. Lee Waters has to account for his comments because I certainly know that his constituents in Llanelli will not be very reassured unless he’s prepared to clarify them.

“Stalling growth, increasing child poverty, and life expectancy in decline are no laughing matters. The Labour-led Welsh Government has run out of steam and ideas.

“In less than two years’ time, people will have the opportunity to elect a new Welsh Government, with Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price as First Minister, to start the process of rebuilding our nation.”

Mr Waters also indicated that he was expecting to be defeated in Llanelli in the forthcoming 2021 election, saying: “As many of you will know, I’ve got the smallest majority in Wales, and no AM for Llanelli has ever been re-elected. So that focuses your mind about what it is you’re here for, and what you can do in the timeframe you have to work within. I’ve got 18 months to make this worthwhile, before I scuttle off and try something else to do, probably.”

Plaid Cymru AM Helen Mary Jones added: “In the elections in May 2021 the clear choice in the Llanelli constituency is more of the same or a Plaid Cymru Assembly Member to represent Llanelli in the Senedd.”

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