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PEMBROKESHIRE councillors want to refuse permission for an HGV park in Pembroke Dock and will come back with detailed planning reasons for doing so.

After some debate and objections from local town and county councillors, the Council’s planning committee felt the proposed site on Criterion Way was “not the right place.”

Certas Energy UK wants to build its HGV parking area – with space for 17 HGV oil tankers and 18 car parking spaces as well as staff welfare building – on the Pembroke Dock site but concerns about environmental impacts, traffic problems and a detrimental effect on the town were raised.

It was recommended for approval by planning officers with conditions on any permission restrict it to a 20 year lifespan and include landscaping and tree protection details, site levels to be approved, visibility plans, a lighting scheme and the position and detail of boundary fencing to be approved.

Pembroke Dock Town Council objected to the proposal and Cllr George Manning said at committee on Tuesday (February 8) that it should not be located “on the edge of the town centre where it will be a danger to all.”

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Alternative sites had been considered and discounted, planning agent Chris Plenderleith told members, although local councillors including Cllr Brian Hall, Tony Wilcox and Paul Dowson all argued there were more suitable locations available.

“We are all against it,” said Cllr Hall, adding it was a “danger to the town and it’s in the wrong place.”

Councillors voted in favour of a “minded to refuse” decision and members would “explore by the time it comes back how the committee might come to a defensible view of refusing the application,” said chairman Cllr Jacob Williams.

It was acknowledged that any refusal would likely go to appeal.

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