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PLANS for a new housing estate in Llangain have been rejected by Carmarthenshire councillors, against the advice of officers.

A majority of the planning committee was unhappy with the planned access to the 36-home development via the existing Dol y Dderwen estate.

They wanted to see more efforts to create a new access to the east, onto Church Road.

The matter had been deferred at a previous committee meeting.

Councillors were told that the applicant, Gareth Williams, had carried out a further access assessment but could not take forward the Church Road suggestion because the road would require significant improvement and require the use of some land outside of his control.

And the council’s head of transport deemed that the Dol y Dderwen access was acceptable.

Councillor Carys Jones said she welcomed the new homes but took issue with an assertion in the officers’ report that it was not “reasonable or necessary” to consider an alternative access.

She felt an alternative should be thoroughly examined and, referring to the Church Road suggestion, said: “The landowner has declared he is willing to have discussions to adapt the second entrance.”

An officer said the applicant wanted the outline scheme before the committee to be determined, and reiterated that the council’s head of transport had not raised an objection.

After further debate and a proposal to reject the application, Cllr Tyssul Evans said he shared members’ concerns but was worried that the financial contributions set out under a planning agreement between the developer and the council could be lost in the event of an appeal.

Cllr Eirwyn Williams asked if there had been any meetings between the applicant and the adjacent landowner. An officer said he was unaware of such discussions, but pointed out the applicant had no obligation to do so.

The application was rejected on access safety concerns and the impact on people already living at Dol y Dderwen.

Addressing the committee as it discussed its refusal reasons further, chairman Cllr Alun Lenny, said: “Basically the committee disagrees with the highways assessment on this matter but you are also arguing that local awareness of the possible dangers overcome the evidence that we have received from the officers.”

At the previous meeting, the committee was told that Church Road was only earmarked as an access for emergency services to the proposed homes.

Speaking at that meeting Cllr Gareth John, who represents Carmarthen Town South, said: “I certainly welcome many aspects of this scheme, certainly the affordable homes, bringing younger families to the Llangain area but I’ll cut to the chase.

“The biggest single issue in the ward I represent is traffic.”

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