
Wales News Online

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Hundreds of Swansea social care staff to benefit from Covid-19 payment

MORE than 800 Swansea Council care workers are set to benefit from a one-off £500 payment to recognise their contribution to protecting vulnerable people during the pandemic.

The money is coming from a Welsh Government scheme set up in the summer to which thousands of care workers in Wales – public and private sector – are eligible to apply.

Around 700 staff will receive the payment this month with just over 100 more expected to receive it in their October pay.

Rob Stewart, Leader of Swansea Council, said the award was richly deserved and was recognition of outstanding effort at the height of the pandemic.

He said:

“Care workers across the city do an amazing job supporting some of the most vulnerable in our communities day-in-day-out.

“Throughout the pandemic, our care staff have once again shown professionalism and commitment to protecting older and vulnerable people in their care from the virus.

“It’s been a very stressful time for them and for the families and individuals they support. On behalf of the people of Swansea, I want to thank them for being here for their communities at a vital time. There is no doubt they have kept people safe and helped save lives.”

Announcing the payment in June First Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“Social care is the invisible scaffolding which holds our society together.

“Without the vital care provided by this small army of people who work in our homes and care homes, we know the NHS would not be able to cope and very many people would not be living independent lives.

“This payment recognises the tremendous dedication of the tens of thousands of social care workers throughout Wales who are caring for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

“It is right that this payment is awarded to those who play a role in looking aftercare home residents. As well as the important work social care staff are doing in people’s homes and care homes, we know that domestic and kitchen staff are working beyond their normal roles, providing care and friendship to residents during this pandemic.”

All eligible social care staff, including ancillary staff, such as cleaners and kitchen staff; nurses employed in care homes; domiciliary care workers and personal assistants who worked between 15 March and 31 May will receive the £500 extra payment.

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