
Wales News Online

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Hywel Dda gives special thanks to its volunteers

IN celebration of this year’s Volunteers Week Hywel Dda is saying the biggest thank-you to our army of volunteers for giving their time to help us deliver a first class service to our patients.

Volunteers’ Week is a special week in the calendar as it focuses our attention on the valuable contributions so many residents in Hywel Dda make that in turn make such a difference to our patients’ lives every day when they are being treated by us.

Our volunteers help out in many ways including spending time chatting with a patient or providing support to the patient’s relatives and friends, like helping them to find the right ward at visiting times. Our volunteers work in the grounds of our hospitals, in our reception areas, on hospital wards, A&E and in our pharmacies to name but a few.

Talking about our Volunteers David Fretwell, Volunteer Manager for Hywel Dda said, “there are many reasons for people wanting to volunteer, sometimes they have been a patient or had a relative in hospital and want to give something back. All our volunteers have a story and some of these we will share during the week. Thank you each and every one of you for your support.”

Lisa Gostling, Director of Workforce and Occupational Development at Hywel Dda added, “volunteering plays an important part in people’s lives and in society and can help individuals develop both personally and professionally. It can improve their confidence, self-esteem, and communication skills and, overall it can be very rewarding.

“One of the greatest benefits volunteers can bring to the NHS is the support and comfort they bring to our patients. We are incredibly grateful to all our volunteers here in Hywel Dda – thank you.”

The volunteering for health service will have a promotional stand at the following locations throughout the week.

Monday 3rd June – 9am to 3pm Glangwili General Hospital (restaurant)
Tuesday 4th June – 9am to 2pm Prince Philip Hospital (restaurant)
Wednesday 5th June 9am to 2pm Withybush General Hospital (Main Corridor)
Thursday 6th June 9am to 2pm Bronglais General Hospital (Restaurant)

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering with us we’d be more than happy to see you.

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