
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Three new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the Hywel Dda health board area – all of which are in Pembrokeshire – according to today’s figures (Monday, April 26).

Public Health Wales data shows that there were no new cases in Carmarthenshire, none in Ceredigion and three in Pembrokeshire.

Across Wales, 97 new cases have been confirmed, with two new Covid-19 deaths reported.

The total number of cases in Wales is now 211,321 with 5,548 deaths.

No new deaths were recorded in the Hywel Dda area, with the total standing at 476 throughout the pandemic.

The total number of cases across the three counties is now 15,981 – 10,757 in Carmarthenshire, 3,453 in Pembrokeshire and 1,771 in Ceredigion.

There have been 18,887 tests carried out since the last report.

Across Wales, 1,777,375 have received a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine and 689,534 a second dose.

In Hywel Dda 278,102 vaccinations have been administered up until April 21, with 15,101 in the last seven days.

In Carmarthenshire 98,973 first doses have been administered, and 31,588 second doses, Pembrokeshire has seen 68,722 first dose appointments and 20,744 second dose and in Ceredigion 37,995 first doses have been given as well as 11,741 second doses.

Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:

“Welsh Government has announced that from today, pubs, cafes and restaurants in Wales can reopen to customers outdoors. Up to six people from six households will be able to meet, with social distancing and hygiene measures in place. Outdoor attractions, such as zoos and theme parks, can also reopen. Wedding receptions and funerals can again be held outdoors at regulated premises with up to 30 people. Organised outdoor activities, such as sport activities limited to 30 people, are also able to resume.

“From Monday 3 May, supervised indoor activities for children can resume, along with indoor organised activities for up to 15 adults (such as exercise classes and swimming lessons), and community centres can reopen.

“People should observe social distancing when meeting with others from outside their household or support bubble.

“The rules on meeting other people indoors remain unchanged.

“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that pregnant women should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population, based on their age and clinical risk group. JCVI advice is followed in Wales.

“As there is more experience of the use of the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in pregnancy those vaccines are therefore the preferred vaccines to offer to pregnant women.

“We would like to remind the public that Coronavirus is still circulating in our communities and a large number of people have not been fully vaccinated.  It is therefore vital that people observe social distancing, where face coverings when in indoor spaces, and wash hands regularly.  These actions will help to prevent transmission of the virus.

“Further to the Welsh Government’s announcement, people who cannot work from home are now able to access free lateral flow self-test kits.

“The rapid coronavirus tests will be available from local test sites across Wales.

“Welsh Government also announced that, following advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), that people over 16 who live with individuals with severely weakened immune systems should be offered COVID-19 vaccinations as a priority.

“As schools return please do not send your child to school if they are unwell, even if you are not sure if they have Coronavirus.

“When you take your child to school, always keep your distance from other parents, wear a face covering, and don’t stay around and chat. Please don’t invite other children or their parents to your home to play or stay indoors, even if they are in the same bubble at school. We need to continue to limit the numbers of people we meet socially to minimise spread of the virus.

“Please continue to work from home if at all possible.

“Current information on the Welsh Government restrictions for Coronavirus are available at https://gov.wales/coronavirus

“Recently the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and JCVI provided an update on the Oxford AstraZenca vaccine following reports of an extremely rare and specific type of blood clot following vaccination.

“The AstraZeneca vaccine remains safe and effective and has already saved thousands of lives. Those who have received a first dose of the vaccine, should continue to receive a second dose.

“The risk benefit remains strongly in favour of vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine for those aged 30 and over, and those aged under 30 who have underlying health conditions which puts them at higher risk of severe outcomes from Coronavirus infection. However, adults aged 18-29 years old who do not have underlying health conditions will now be offered an alternative vaccine.

“If you are contacted by your local TTP team then it is important that you are truthful with them about where you have been and who you have met.  They are not there to judge, they are there to help prevent ongoing transmission of the virus and to protect the community.

“If you are asked to self-isolate by your local TTP team then please ensure that you do so for the full ten days – this will help break any chains of transmission.

“We urge anyone over 50 who has not yet received an invite for their vaccination to contact their local health board. Details of which can be found here: https://gov.wales/get-your-covid-19-vaccination-if-you-think-you-have-been-missed

“We encourage everyone, whatever their background, social demographic and ethnicity, to have the vaccine when they are offered it.

“Coronavirus cases by variant in Wales are reported on the UK Government website. The dominant strain in Wales is the Kent variant, and there is currently no evidence of widespread community transmission of other Variants of Concern in Wales.

“If you or a member of your household develop a cough, fever or change in sense of taste or smell, you must self-isolate immediately and book a free Coronavirus test, either by calling 119 or by visiting www.gov.wales/getting-tested-coronavirus-covid-19.  Please check your local health board’s website to see if there are additional symptoms that require a test.”

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