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Hywel Dda Health Charities thanks epic fundraiser Annette Smith

HYWEL Dda Health Charities has thanked epic fundraiser Annette Smith from Talybont, Aberystwyth who has raised £710 so far walking over 100 miles in 21 days, around her local area to raise money for Bronglais Chemotherapy Day Unit.

Annette normally walks at the most 60 miles a month, so the 63 year old had really pushed her limits. She started on 10th February and finished mile 100 on Tuesday 2nd March, ten days before her 64th birthday on 12th March, when she’ll celebrate her achievement with some well-deserved cake!

Annette has walked every day, trying to get to walk done in the morning to give her a good start to the day.

She says “I want to give something back to our local services in the NHS. I feel incredibly lucky that my family and I haven’t been too affected by Coronavirus and I want to do my bit to help. I feel like I need to do something to say thank you.

I also want to set myself a challenge and push myself out of my comfort zone. Something for me to feel proud of.

I have friends who have used or are using the chemo unit and I am worried pressures on services will increase once life starts to go back to normal.”

Annette said the challenge was a test of her physical and mental grit, but added that it was lovely explore her local area and enjoy the surroundings.

She added, “I feel ecstatic that my personal challenge has raised such a goodly sum to contribute to the great work of the Chemotherapy Day Unit at Bronglais Hospital. Their work will continue beyond this current crisis. Thanks to all my supporters and it would be great to think that my efforts could raise even more!”

Hywel Dda Health Charities is the official NHS charity for Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire. Fundraising Manager Tara Nickerson said, “We are always grateful when people take the time to support our work, delivering services and activities above and beyond what the NHS provides. It’s truly inspiring when people who have received NHS care decide to give back as Annette has. The money she raises will directly benefit NHS patients and staff.”

There’s still time to support Annette’s amazing efforts and donate at http://www.justgiving.com/anothersmithy

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