
Wales News Online

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WELSH Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds has been elected as Member of the Senedd for Mid and West Wales.

The Welsh Liberal Democrat leader thanked voters for putting their trust in her and her party while pledging to stand up for everyone regardless of how they voted.

Speaking after her declaration Jane Dodds MS said:

“The challenges facing Wales as we emerge from the pandemic must be met by a Senedd that focuses on the needs of communities across Wales.

“My commitment to everyone, whether you voted for the Welsh Liberal Democrats or not, is that we will work constructively and do everything we can to put recovery first.

“Wales needs a recovery for our communities with a plan to support jobs, small businesses and high streets.

“We need a recovery that has a plan to tackle the climate emergency and a recovery that prioritises mental health and wellbeing.

“The next Welsh Government can, and must act on these issues.

“Now more than ever politicians need to focus on our communities and people’s needs. We need more light, and less heat in our political debate. More unity and less division.

“We need plans that meet the real fears that people feel, with genuine hope, and optimism, for the future.”


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