
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Jonathan Edwards MP raises concerns for protection of workers told to attend their workplace

Jonathan Edwards MP has written to the British Government for clarification having received complaints from constituents who are told by their employer to attend work despite the medical advice they have received.

The MP has received many complaints which indicate that those who are in the high risk group themselves, or who have family members who are in the high risk group, are being told to attend work with examples such as NHS staff with long-term respiratory conditions being told to report to work, posing huge risks to themselves.

Carmarthen East and Dinefwr MP Jonathan Edwards said,

“Following the revised workplace and medical guidance I have received many messages from constituents concerned about the position of themselves and their families.

“This is an issue which affects both the public and private sector and the problem people are facing is they have no protection under current employment legislation.

“Yesterday I wrote to the British Government asking for clarification of the guidance or for further legislation to protect people in these circumstances.”

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