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Jonathan Edwards MP receives 12 months Plaid Cymru suspension following police caution

JONATHAN Edwards the Carmarthen East and Dinefwr MP has been suspended from Plaid Cymru for 12 months after he accepted a police caution. At the time of the caution, Mr. Edwards said: “I am deeply sorry. It is by far the biggest regret of my life.”

On Wednesday Plaid Cymru’s disciplinary panel suspended him from the party saying it was a “serious matter”.

In a statement, the disciplinary panel said that the MP had “co-operated fully with the investigation” and that “any lifting of the suspension after 12 months is dependent upon Mr. Edwards appearing before the panel to demonstrate that he has undertaken a period of self-reflection and learning to address his actions”.

Plaid Cymru added: “If Mr. Edwards fails to abide by the terms of the suspension he will be excluded.”

Alun Ffred Jones, the chairman of Plaid Cymru, said the party “condemns any behaviour that falls below what is expected of our membership”. and that “all forms of harassment, abuse, and violence are unacceptable, and this has been reflected in the verdict.”

Jonathan Edwards will now sit as an Independent MP.

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