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Keep active with the council’s leisure team online

FAMILIES are being encouraged to help keep children active whilst staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Actif sport and leisure team have put together a series of online challenges which can be done in the home or garden.

Every Monday a video or infographic of a new skill is posted to Actif Sport and Leisiure Facebook page.

The skills help youngsters develop and progress as well as keeping them fit and healthy.

All the activities can be carried out using socks, teddies, cushion, bin, toys or balls and anyone can join in.

Some of the games already posted include as me to you to me, pebble plop and crazy capers on Facebook and Twitter.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the Actif staff post videos of their children carrying out the activities and having fun.

Parents are being encouraged to do the same by posting their children’s videos on the council’s Actif Sport and Leisure Facebok page.

The team are also hoping to launch fitness videos for Actif members on its Facebook page, with more tailored ones for those on the council’s National Exercise Referral scheme.

Carmarthenshire County Council Leader, Cllr Emlyn Dole said: “We need to keep as active as we can now more than ever. These are challenging times but as long as we are healthy we should not let the coronavirus stop us from keeping fit. These activities can be done from the home or garden and are a great tool to support children in keeping active. They’re also fun and engaging, and help youngsters to maintain and progress their skills in a safe environment.”

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