
Wales News Online

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OVER 4,000 visits have been made to businesses in Carmarthenshire since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Some 16 stores across the county were visited by Carmarthenshire County Council front line enforcement officers over the weekend to provide advice and support to businesses and to ensure compliancy with coronavirus regulations.

A compliance notice was served on Lidl in Llanelli for displaying non-essential items. Compliance and Improvement notices was also served on Morrisons in Llanelli requiring them to improve the measures it has in place to limit the spread of Covid-19.

Alert level four Welsh Government regulations are that non-essential items are not to be browsed in stores to avoid the spread of the virus. This is law.

Shoppers, in the first instance, should shop online. In the event an item becomes essential and it is displayed in a closed section then the store can assist.

Since March last year Carmarthenshire County Council has employed an extra six staff enforcement officers in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Thirty one improvement notices have been served when businesses have displayed some issues of concern. They are given 48 hours and 14 days to action the improvements whilst they continue trading.

Some 24 closure notices have also been issued when a premise fails to improve or there are significant shortfalls in measures to ensure the safety of their customers and where it is not safe to allow the business to continue trading. Four £1,000 Fixed Penalty Notices have also been issued for operating a retail business that should be closed due to Covid 19 national restrictions or serving alcohol after the permitted hours.

Whilst businesses must be compliant with Covid-19 regulations, people are also expected to follow the rules when making essential visits into premises.

The council’s executive board member for public protection, Cllr Phillip Hughes: “On the whole businesses across the county are working hard to ensure they maintain Covid-19 compliancy and I’d like to thank them for helping keep their staff, customers and Carmarthenshire safe.

“People visiting these premises must also play their part and maintain social distancing, wear a face mask unless you are exempt due to a specific health issue and hand sanitise on both entry and exit points. People are also expected to shop online as much as possible. If an item is on display in the store but is not accessible to browse and it is essential to you then speak to one of the staff. Please remember these Welsh Government rules are law and they are in place to help keep us all safe.

We are in this together and we must do everything we can to limit the spread of the infection and keep our county safe.”


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