
Wales News Online

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COUNCIL chiefs who faced a backlash when they removed some public toilets from Burry Port harbour have made an offer which could see new ones being installed.

Carmarthenshire Council took away the portable toilets near the old RNLI station in June, saying they had been targeted by vandals.

Two executive board members have now written to Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council saying the authority would be prepared to discuss an offer of land if town councillors felt more toilets were needed.

It would mean the town council having to replace and run them.

The letter, seen by the Local Democracy Reporter Service, described the portable toilets as “very poor” and “an unacceptable health hazard”.

But they were valued by many residents and visitors, who signed a petition organised by county councillors John James and Amanda Fox calling for them to be reinstated.

The two ward councillors said they welcomed the land offer “as a positive move from the county council after the general public has voiced its disappointment and concern”.

They added: “It’s testimony to the fact that members of the public have stood together and demanded that their voice be heard.”

They said they hoped the town council, which they also represent as councillors, would replace the toilets.

The letter will be discussed at a town council committee meeting on September 4.

County councils do not have a statutory duty to provide public toilets, but have to assess the need for them and publish a local toilet strategy.

Town and community councils run several public toilets in Carmarthenshire.

There are public toilets in the car park on the other side of Burry Port harbour, with new signs nearby showing their location. This toilet building will be renovated, with the incorporation of a cafe – and at least one of the public toilets will remain as such.

Meanwhile, a company called Burry Port Marina is planning to convert the old lifeboat building into a marina office and cafe, which will have customer toilets.

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