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Landlord claims “We’ve got the nicest, quietest pub you will ever see” but licensing committee disagree

A PUB must close its windows and doors from 9pm if music is playing inside, following complaints by people living nearby.

And it won’t be able to have live or recorded music outside, unless the landlord successfully applies to hold temporary events like festivals.

These were two of eight new conditions relating to The Poplars Inn, on the outskirts of Carmarthen, after a lengthy council licensing hearing.

Landlord Mark Howell said in response to the conditions that he felt many of the complaints were malicious, and that the pub was popular with customers of all ages.

“We’ve got the nicest, quietest pub you will ever see,” he said.

The licensing sub-committee considered evidence from council departments which had been investigating numerous noise and other complaints.

Some of them centred around a marquee in the car park – in particular a brass band playing there during a Lions test match in July – which has since been taken down.

Evidence was also presented by Dyfed-Powys Police and by landlord Mark Howell’s legal representative.

The sub-committee retired to consider its findings and has now issued its decision.

The new conditions also require drinks for outside areas to be served in plastic glasses.

The sub-committee’s decision said: “In this case the committee is satisfied that there is real evidence before it that the operation of the premises has caused nuisance to local residents and that this nuisance is of such a nature, duration, extent and effect as to amount to a public rather than private nuisance.”

It added: “The committee recognises that the course of action proposed by the applicant may have a negative effect on the operation of the premises.”

The decision noted that Mr Howell could apply for a set number of temporary event notices which would allow for live music to be played outside. And he could also try to vary his licence in the future.

“Based on the evidence presented to it the committee does not consider that this will have a disproportionate effect on the business and will do much to promote the licensing objectives,” it said.

The hearing was told that 688 noise recordings were made by people in the area and by council officers, mainly after the Covid crisis hit in March 2020.

The brass band playing on July 24 this year was described as “extremely loud” by Aled Morgan, the council’s pollution lead officer.

Complaints were also made about fighting, criminal damage, urinating and threatening behaviour.

Speaking on behalf of Mr Howell, Ashanti-Jade Walton said her client had cooperated with the authorities, was passionate about the pub and the local community, and that his hands were tied regarding customers’ actions outside the premises.

She said the behaviour of some pub-goers everywhere when Covid lockdowns ended was “far from appropriate”.

Mr Howell told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that he felt an unfair picture had been painted of his pub.

He said the venue had closed at 10pm for the last three summers, that he had a very small number of outdoor events, and that he did a lot for the community.

Referring to the brass band, he said it had only five members and just played short bursts when the Lions team scored points that day – and then a couple of songs at the end.

Mr Howell added: “We’ve had plastic glasses all the way through.”



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