
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Langland Bay Golf Club raise eyebrows and smiles for The Mumbles lifeboats

MEMBERS of Langland Bay golf club raised a whopping £3500 for their local lifeboat station over the festive period.

Golf Captain Ashley Isaac’s had the idea of getting 26 members to take part in the annual Boxing Day dip in the bay. Not only did they donate their entry to take part but they also got sponsorship to help keep the lifeboat launching.

Deputy second coxswain James Bolter said ‘We’re immensely grateful to the team for this donation. The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea and we can only do this thanks to fundraising efforts like this’.

Ashley said ‘When we laid down the challenge we had no idea how the weather would be on the day, thankfully people’s sponsorship gave us the impetus to get in the water and clear the Christmas Day indulgence’.

Ashley Isaacs presents Deputy Second Coxswain James Bolter with £3500

Pic RNLI/Andy Miles

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