
Wales News Online

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Liberal Democrats Pledge Support the RCN Campaign on Safe Nursing Levels

The Welsh Liberal Democrats have pledged their support to a petition by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to expand the safe and effective nursing care levels in Wales to cover mental health inpatient wards and community nursing.

The petition being debated in the Senedd on September 28 has gathered almost 11,000 signatures across Wales.

The original safe staffing levels legislation (Nurse Staffing Levels Act 2016), was introduced by the Welsh Liberal Democrats.

Commenting Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS said:

“Maintaining nurse staffing levels is critical in ensuring patient safety. Having been introduced by the Welsh Liberal Democrats in the Senedd, I am fully committed to securing the extension of the Nurse Staffing Levels Act (2016).


“The Welsh Liberal Democrats want to see the Act extended to cover mental health inpatient, children’s wards, and community ward settings.


“This would go some way into relieving the pressure on nurses and ensuring a safer NHS for patients and staff alike.

“However we also want to see the Welsh Government needs to go further on nurses pay so that we can better recruit and retain nurses here in Wales, especially and in light of the cost of living crisis.”

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