
Wales News Online

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TOILETS at two of Gower’s busiest beaches are due to open on Friday, (June 26) just as the heatwave ends.

Some councillors have been urging the authority to reopen them as a priority as residents flock to the coastline.

“In Horton and Port Eynon, we have adults using the sand dunes as toilets, in full view of families,” said Gower councillor Richard Lewis.

But maintaining social distancing in confined spaces while coronavirus restrictions remain in place is a major headache.

The council has, however, announced that its public toilets at Langland and Caswell are due to open on Friday (June 26) along with ones at Oystermouth Square, Mumbles, and the city centre bus station.

“While we are opening public toilets we still need the public to be aware the virus is still in circulation and sharing toilet facilities is less safe than using your own toilet at home,” said Cllr Mark Thomas, cabinet member for environment enhancement and infrastructure management.

“Therefore we would urge people to only use the public toilets if they have to, and to prepare and plan their journey before they leave home.”

The number of urinals, toilets and basins within the toilet blocks has been reduced, but extra soap dispensers have been provided.

Other council-owned toilets in Swansea will be reopened in phases.

Cllr Thomas urged the public to keep to the current five-mile travel restriction, and to use litter bins or take their rubbish home with them.

“Our cleansing teams are working hard to ensure popular areas visited by the public are free of litter and bins are empty,” he said.

Cllr Lewis said he has been inundated with complaints about the toilets in Port Eynon being locked.

Bishopston councillor Lyndon Jones has also called on the authority to reopen public toilets “as a matter of urgency”.

He said visitors to the area were simply dashing behind hedgerows to answer the call of nature.

“It’s just not right,” said Cllr Jones.

The heatwave was due to end on June 25, with cooler conditions blowing in from the south-west and showers forecast on Saturday, June 27.

In Carmarthenshire, 12 public toilets which had been closed since March reopened on June 22.

Carmarthenshire Council said it would advise town and community councils on how to safely re-open their public toilets.