
Wales News Online

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Llanelli’s Robert Buckland named as Lord Chancellor

THE NEW Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice has been named as welshman Robert Buckland.

Born and bred in Llanelli, Buckland attended Old Road Primary School and St Michaels private school before going on to study law at the University of Durham. He then practiced as a barrister in Wales for nearly two decades, before moving on to work in politics as a member of the Conservative Party.

Buckland follows in the footsteps of a previous Llanelli bred Lord Chancellor, Lord Elwyn Jones. Lord Jones was a Labour supporter and much loved and respected in the community.

Lord Elwyn Jones was Chancellor for five years from 1974-1979. In 1976 he was made a ‘Companion of Honour’ for his outstanding achievements in politics. Though he sadly passed away in 1989 aged 80, a bust of Lord Jones can still be seen in the Parc Howard mansion house.

Portrait of Lord Elwyn Jones at Parc Howard

Other notable Welsh politicians included at Parc Howard Museum are Jim Griffiths MP, a Welsh Labour politician and the first Secretary of State for Wales, who died in 1975. A bronze bust is located in one of the museum’s rooms.

The bust of Jim Griffiths MP at Parc Howard

Since his death a movement largely spearheaded by Theo Davies-Lewis has called for a statue in his honour to be erected in Llanelli. Former MP for Carmarthen Gwynoro Jones has now taken up the challenge to lead a new campaign and make it happen.

Looking for a permanent memorial for Jim Griffiths MP: Gwynoro Jones former MP for Carmarthen

There are also calls for a statue of Rhodri Morgan, who was the First Minister for Wales and the Leader of Welsh Labor from 2000-2009. When he died suddenly in 2017, Morgan’s funeral was broadcast on screens outside the Senedd as well as online. It was the first Welsh national funeral of the country.

Pic: Chris McAndrew [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]


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