
Wales News Online

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Mark Drakeford praises ‘tremendous community spirit’ in Rhondda ahead of visit

WELSH Labour leader and First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, will today (Wednesday) visit Rhondda with Senedd candidate Buffy Williams to thank community volunteers following last year’s devastating floods.

Mark Drakeford and Welsh Labour’s Buffy Williams will also pay tribute to local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) who helped the community clean up after Storm Dennis damaged homes and properties.

The Welsh Labour leader will repeat his warning that under the Tories, the 500 PCSOs currently patrolling the streets of Wales would disappear.

Commenting on the role of  PCSOs, Mark Drakeford said:

“Police Community Support Officers play a vital role keeping our communities safe and providing a reassuring presence.

“As we’ve seen here in Rhondda, PCSOs played a vital role helping the community deal with the devastating impact of last year’s floods following Storm Dennis. It’s clear how deeply they are valued and how much they are rooted in the community.”

Welsh Labour’s Senedd Candidate for Rhondda, Buffy Williams, said:

“Last year, local PCSOs joined with residents to help deal with the aftermath of one of the darkest moments for our community.

“Day in, day out, PCSOs help keep communities in the Rhondda – and across Wales – safe. That the Tories in Wales would even consider scrapping them shows that they never stand up to their London bosses.

“Mark Drakeford and Welsh Labour have funded 500 extra PCSOs across Wales. I’ll be campaigning to put even more PCSOs on the streets of the Rhondda if elected on May 6.”

Mark Drakeford went on to say:

“There is so much to love about Rhondda and Wales – so much to be proud of. And even in these testing times, so much to be optimistic about.

“Beyond the obvious warmth is a tremendous sense of community spirit. As we emerge from the pandemic it is Welsh Labour that once again has the ambition and drive to help families in the Rhondda and right across Wales.”

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