
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

SOUTH Wales Police is investigating the scenes of violent disorder which happened in the Mayhill area of Swansea last night (Thursday 20th May).

The police response to the incident was immediate and officers trained to deal with public order incidents were deployed to the scene.

Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Gilmer said: “These are scenes we do not expect to see in our communities and our officers should not expect to have to confront situations like this when they go to work at the start of their shift.

“I want to reassure the residents of Mayhill that we shall be maintaining an enhanced police presence throughout the weekend.

“If those involved choose to return and further threaten public safety in the community of Mayhill they will be robustly dealt with.

“Our focus now is to fully investigate this appalling incident. We will be using CCTV and social media footage to help us to identify and arrest those responsible.

“The level of violence towards emergency services and the damage to buildings and vehicles was totally unacceptable.

“I would like to thank the public for their support and appeal to anyone with information or video footage to come forward and provide that to us.”

Anyone with any photographs or video footage is asked to submit them here: Public Portal (mipp.police.uk)

You can also contact with any other information by the following means:


Send us a private message on Facebook/Twitter

Via email: PublicServiceCentre@south-wales.police.uk

Phone: 101

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