
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Brecon Men’s Shed (based at Brecon Volunteer Bureau) continues its ongoing series of talks, presentations and demonstrations on various interesting subjects with a visit from Swansea UFO Network to give a presentation about Unidentified Flying Objects in Wales at 10:30am on Saturday 15th October 2022.

The talk will examine some of the more amazing and intriguing cases in the Swansea UFO Network files and discuss reports of Unidentified Flying Objects around Brecon and beyond… 🛸

Brecon Men’s Shed is a friendly and welcoming meeting place for men to undertake a variety of activities, with the HQ being at Brecon Volunteer Bureau and meeting up on Saturday mornings at least twice each month.

Please come along to find out more and contact us if you would like to do a talk/presentation/demonstration or have someone or something in mind?

Contact breconmensshed@gmail.com, “Brecon Men’s Shed” Page (at www.facebook.com/BreconMensShed) or the “Brecon Men’s Shed” Group on Facebook, or call into Brecon Volunteer Bureau (Brecon Market Vaults, Market Street, Brecon, Powys LD3 9AH) and ask to fill in a membership form.

Find out more about Swansea UFO Network at www.sufon.co.uk

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