
Wales News Online

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Model School consultation will not go ahead in Carmarthenshire

CARMARTHENSHIRE council’s Executive Board has decided not to go ahead with a consultation to change the Foundation Phase provision at Model Primary School to Welsh medium education from September 2022 onwards.

It follows representations from the school’s governing body that not all governors and staff were fully aware of the proposals.

Executive Board Member for Education and Children’s Services said: “Whilst officers have been in discussions with the chair of the governing body and the headteacher, it appears that the wider membership of the governing body, and wider school staff, were not fully aware of the proposal.

“I don’t think any of us would wish to proceed with a consultation where the majority of the governing body or staff had not known about it. I therefore move that in the interests of fairness we discontinue the consultation which was due to commence today in order to have time to engage fully with the governing body and staff.”

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