
Wales News Online

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Monmouth Council adopts revised social justice policy

MONMOUTHSHIRE County Council has approved an updated social justice strategy, the third amendment since the original plan was adopted in 2018 and revised the following year.  From its beginnings, the strategy has driven the principle of incorporating social justice at the heart of everything the council does, and over the past three years it has set out a broad programme to help make a real difference to the lives of local people by working in partnership.

A socially just society respects everyone’s rights and dignity equally.  It allows people to participate fully and ensures nobody’s life chances are restricted for reasons beyond their personal control.

The updated strategy contains three distinct and targeted action plans to deliver improvements in tackling poverty and inequality, food development and a reduction in homelessness.  These plans are in response to rapid changes brought about by the negative aspects of the current Covid 19 pandemic and they will continue the strategy’s aim to promote equitable prosperity in Monmouthshire.

Councillor Sara Jones, Monmouthshire’s cabinet member for Social Justice and Community Development said: “The actions in the plan will be rolled out over the next two years and beyond, seeing the council working hand in hand with local communities to support some of our most vulnerable residents and to continue to deliver a fairer society for all.”


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